(412) 279-7802


The Best Drywall Finish for Your Room

When your home is under construction or you are remodeling, it is essential to understand that there are various levels of New Sheetrock Drywall Abstract Backgrounddrywall finishing that each room will need. When getting your home ready for painting, you have to consider what style you will be going for in each room, and what level of drywall finishing is necessary to achieve these looks. Here are just a few examples of what level of drywall finishing your rooms will need.

Your garage – Regardless of how you use your garage as a space in your home, it will require a certain level of drywall finishing to be complete. Level 2, which is when you have covered your drywall tape and screw holes with a layer of compound, is often the chosen level for garages. This is a basic layer and is not used for rooms that have a lot of light or where the appearance of the room is on display.

Your bedroom – Depending on the kind of paint you will be using in this area of your home, having a higher level of drywall finishing is essential in making your bedroom look great. If you are applying flat-based paint to your walls or plan on hanging specific wall décor, a level 3 or 4 finish helps to keep the area smooth for decorating purposes.

If you are in need of drywall installation in Pittsburgh, PA, we can help at JG Drywall & Insulation Co. and Closet Pro. For over 30 years, we have been the premier drywall contractor and custom closet installation company in the Pittsburgh, PA area. For more information or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at (412) 279-7802 today.

How a Custom Closet Can Help De-Clutter Your Space for the New Year

WardrobeWith the New Year here, there should be a new you as well, right? Some people stick to New Year’s resolutions, but others look to short-term goals. If you are looking to de-clutter your home in 2018, the perfect way to do it is by customizing your closet. Here are few reasons why a custom closet can help to spruce up your space in the New Year.

It is made for your stuff – Who does not want a place where they can store things, and all of their stuff will fit because it is made for it? We do not know many people who would not love this, and a custom closet can do just that. It has all the nooks and crannies you will need to make all of your belongings fit perfectly.

It is made for your space – Not only does a custom closet fit all of your things perfectly, but it will also be designed around the existing space you already have in your home. Having it customized for your needs, space, and possessions optimizes the area it is already in and keeps clutter to a minimum.

If you are looking for someone to help organize your belongings in 2018 with custom closets in Pittsburgh, turn to the professionals at JG Drywall & Insulation Co. and Closet Pro today. Give us a call to set up an appointment at (412) 279-7802.

Welcome to JG Drywall & Insulation Company’s Blog

Welcome to JG Drywall & Insulation Company’s blog! For over 30 years, we have been the premier residential contractor Drywall Contractors in Pittsburghfor drywall installation, repair, insulation, painting, and custom closet services in Pittsburgh, PA. Here on our blog, you will be able to read posts about drywall installation, insulation tips, closet designing, and other homeowner-related topics to help you have the house of your dreams.

At JG Drywall & Insulation Company, we want what is best for our customers and their families. That is why we offer a variety of different drywall and painting services, as well as cutting-edge insulation techniques, basement waterproofing, and custom closet organization too. We want to make your home as safe, healthy, and ideal as possible for you and your family to live in, so many memories can be created within its walls for years to come.

Keep checking in on our blog for plenty of posts about what we are doing as a company as well. We will have news about new services, offers, discounts, and more here on our blog for you to take a look at in the months to come. We are continually putting ourselves one foot ahead of our competition at JG Drywall & Insulation Company, and we want our loyal customers to be the first to know when we are doing something brand new.

So do not settle on just anyone for your drywall contractors in Pittsburgh, give us a call at JG Drywall & Insulation Company today at (412) 279-7802.